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Andreas S. 2025-03-10 09:51:13

Interfaces and mysticism 👀

Ivan Reese 2025-03-10 16:03:32

This is so good. Feels like it'd be great "primer" material for new members to the community.

Andreas S. 2025-03-10 17:14:04

This is the conclusion video

Ivan Reese 2025-03-10 18:40:03

I'm going to watch the whole series

Guyren Howe 2025-03-10 19:09:22


A background idea behind my Frest work ( is that we should start at the bottom.

The Posix operating system, with a hierarchical file system and all that, is the fundamental way we mimick paper.

Better to have at the bottom of everything relations. Small pieces, organised using the canonical, ideal tool for structuring information — First Order Logic/the Relational Model.

From there, start to think about what the user experience should look like. How it’s query based (Datalog). How everything is addressable. How types let us connect the pieces of data to the operations on them. How finding those is also query based, because they’re also organised relationally.

Christopher Shank 2025-03-10 20:45:35

Thanks for sharing this!

Duncan Cragg 2025-03-10 22:38:02

[January 8th, 2025 2:38 PM] mariano: <|Liber Indigo (Part One) - Metaphysical Prisoners of the Desktop>

&gt; Part One of a video series echoing the themes of 'Liber Indigo: The Affordances of Magic'

Paul Tarvydas 2025-03-11 01:55:59

Feels like it'd be great "primer" material for new members to the community.

Ivan Reese


Although, maybe one should consider renaming this group from FoC to FoRM, from Future of Coding to Future of Reprogrammable Machines? The former implies writing Gutenberg-y equations using new-fangled QWERTY quills on new-fangled CPU paper made out of flattened transistors.

Andreas S. 2025-03-11 11:14:45

Thank you Duncan Cragg for pointing to further reference :) adhering to the principle of

Stigmergy we put in further references to the importance of a source 👌

Steve Dekorte 2025-03-10 16:29:51
Alex McLean 2025-03-10 18:38:43

Algorithmic Pattern is a new festival and conference for people curious about the practice and culture of algorithmic pattern-making, across algorithmic music, arts and craft. The first edition will take place both in Sheffield UK and online, during September 2025.

The call for talks/papers is now open, please see our website for details:

(apologies for repost and for posting it in the wrong channel in the first place!)

Christopher Shank 2025-03-11 05:55:12

"Computers for Cynics 2 - It All Went Wrong at Xerox PARC" by Ted Nelson (2012)

Chris Lloyd 2025-03-11 13:24:03

Is he in a church? 😂

When Leggett 2025-03-11 15:27:16

I did a deep dive on Ted Nelson and his work a few months ago. I bought a couple of books including the infamous computer lib. I think it’s fascinating to take a trip into the mind of Ted Nelson and there are valuable ideas in there, but also a bit of an alternate reality. I don’t think you can take everything on face value, but nevertheless worth exploring.

Alex McLean 2025-03-14 16:11:25

"In order to sell printers, they threw away the universe"

When Leggett 2025-03-14 19:00:08

would it actually have been better if xerox tried to corner the PC market?

When Leggett 2025-03-14 19:00:18

food for thought

Marek Rogalski 2025-03-11 21:03:30

Here is a quick and dirty way to bootstrap a new programming system: transpilation. And a fun fact: C++ started out as a transpiler.

📝 Compiling C++ with the Clang API

This post describes how to compile a single C++ source file to an object file with the Clang API. Here is the code. It behaves like a simplified clang executable that handles -c and -S.

Ezhik 2025-03-12 00:24:27

So did Objective-C!

Konrad Hinsen 2025-03-14 08:31:00

This book chapter by Tudor Girba and Simon Wardley is a good introduction/motivation for Moldable Development.

📝 Rewilding Software Engineering

Chapter 4: Flexing those thinking muscles

Kartik Agaram 2025-03-15 15:26:42

Folk Computer: Tableshots

I've never quite seen this page before.

By Cristóbal Sciutto to boot, who's been a big influence on me in recent years. Universes colliding.

killick 2025-03-15 17:09:12

love this!

killick 2025-03-15 17:09:59

big fan of the folk computer, esp since it borrows so many of the ideas from dynamic land and does the work in public and openly

killick 2025-03-15 17:11:08

my dream is to have a programming “workshop” where craftspeople build software together like this, with, like, toolbags of custom tools they can spread out on the table and borrow from each other

Duncan Cragg 2025-03-15 17:11:42

@Omar Rizwan @Andrés Cuervo are the leads currently AIUI

Duncan Cragg 2025-03-15 17:14:42

I'm hoping Omar will be OK with me quoting this from an email he recently sent me on the topic of similarity to DL (nothing secret or controversial here I don't think):

...there are many small-to-medium differences in implementation and language semantics, but I don't think there are any huge differences beyond the level of openness and the general philosophy of the projects -- we aren't that interested in simulations or in the moral imperative of getting rid of screens per se, we just think this area is interesting and underexplored, and we think it's important that people get to learn the concrete details of how you program the system. (we are generally more 'postmodernist', and you can see this in how our language/db semantics are diverging over time, too -- we're not wedded to fixpoint convergence and having a single consistent db state, more interested in high performance even if it comes with some inconsistency and glitches)