Kartik Agaram 2025-03-09 08:14:05 Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-09 15:01:05 Oh love it, I think Chess is spatial domain and thats where code really starts to hit a wall.
Ezhik 2025-03-09 17:23:09 I finally got a new website going (I've got ✨RSS✨ now!) and figured out a relatively painless way to actually put little apps on it and stuff.
So I went and tried to see if I could make a little ~spreadsheet~ functional visual programming environment without consulting any info on the topic and managed to make a working one.
I actually don't know what's the more interesting project to me to share, that I finally have a sandbox for little prototypes, or the little prototypes themselves.
Ezhik 2025-03-09 17:24:48 The most liberating thing for me has been to go with the flow and just do it even if I'm using dirty tricks like eval
and processing code with regexes and stuff. Learning the value of just coding for fun. The slippy mindset!
...and apparently I code spreadsheets for fun now.
Marek Rogalski 2025-03-09 18:22:55 +1. There is some prejudice about eval related to security but as long as you keep that attack vector in mind, it's a pretty awesome tool. One of the simplest and most powerful features of JavaScript