Christopher Shank 2025-03-06 01:45:11 Anyone know how to math this correctly?
I'm looking to take a point (e.g. mouse pointer in screen space) and project it into a 3d transformed plane (which is represented as a 3d matrix)?

Kartik Agaram 2025-03-06 01:48:10 I'm not an expert, but I believe if you have a 3D matrix then you just multiply the point by it? Coordinate transformations are fundamentally matrix multiplications.
Some other random thoughts:
- The picture as drawn is not enough information, I believe. You need to specify the origin and directions of axes in both planes to get an unambiguous matrix. But if you already have a matrix this is moot.
- A good first step is to transform the origin to the first plane.
John Christensen 2025-03-06 02:15:40 As Kartik Agaram says, I think there is missing piece of information to uniquely specify a point on the plane. If you have a location of a "camera", then you can use the ray that connects the camera position to the position on the screen. The ray will also intersect with your transformed plane. Then you just need to figure out the line-plane intersection:
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-06 07:24:49
ok for projection from a screen space to 3d space the homogeneous coordinates are the pixels, so from what you would naturally think of as a 2d coordinate becomes a 3d coordinate [x, y, 1], multiplied by the camera matrix.
After you do math with homogeneous coordinates you often end with a vector that does not have a 1 in the last position, and you have to normalize it (divide everything by the magnitude of the last element) to make the pixel parts usable
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-06 07:34:03 homogeneous coordinates are a critical trick in computer graphics/vision
Its something I would not think of myself but it transforms projective geometry (I assume thats what you are doing) into a linear space and makes all the matrix math work, which wouldn't the naive way.
E.g. you can't translate a 2d point with a 2x2 matrix, a 2x2 matrix center's rotations, scales and shears around the 0,0 point. So lots of trivial movement like panning the canvas cannot be represented.
you can translate a [x, y, 1] point with a 3x3 matrix if you normalize it after. Thats the homogeneous coordinate trick that underpins pretty much all computer graphics.
Christopher Shank 2025-03-06 07:38:33 Thanks for the pointers! Iβve noticed through trail and error that transforming the point on the screen by the inverse of matrix of the transformed plane works for when the planes are parallel (e.g. translation, scale, rotation around the z-axis)
Christopher Shank 2025-03-06 07:40:15 @John Christensen i guess the camera is just orthogonal to the screen? In this case itβs not really something you interact with like you might in a video game
Christopher Shank 2025-03-06 07:44:51 But ill try again now, its reassuring to know thatβs the right direction. im still pretty new to the terminology so its been hard to search for these things
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-06 07:47:03 its really just adding a 1 to the your coordinates. in 2d [x, y] is [x, y, 1]. In 3d [x, y, z] is [x, y, x, 1], and that adds a handhold for your spatial transform matrices to handle translation
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-06 07:51:03 so a 2d translation transform becomes becomes something like
[1, 0, dx]
[0, 1, dy]
[0, 0, 1]
its good to do the steps manually and you will see how the extra 1 hits the last column and manipulates the real coordinates directly.
The resultant of multiplying [x, y, 1] with the above transform is
[x + dx, y + dy, 1] i.e. its original coordinate + dy, dy.
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-06 07:58:03 happy to collaberate with you on getting what you need done, I am quite comfortable with this area of math but I probably can't write anything up until the weekend
Christopher Shank 2025-03-06 08:03:17
const projectedPoint = matrix.inverse().transformPoint({x: pointerEvent.pageX, y: pointerEvent.pageY })
Christopher Shank 2025-03-06 08:04:09 This is what i currently have, where matrix
is a DOMMatrix
of the transformed plane. From what i can tell this only works when the planes are parallel to each other
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-06 08:09:40 The DOMMatrix
constructor creates a new DOMMatrix
object which represents 4x4 matrices, suitable for 2D and 3D operations.
so if you are working with 3d spatial transforms, you need a 4x4 matrix which is instanciated with 16 elements
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-06 08:11:23 I will play with it later, I did not know the DOM had these features!
Orion Reed 2025-03-06 15:07:52 Duncan Cragg yep, tried coercing it into knowing what we need and no luck, it was very confidently incorrect, many times π
Orion Reed 2025-03-06 19:49:08 Got it working for affine transformations! now to figure out perspective...
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-06 22:13:37 this screenshot demonstrates its a perspective transform as the back side is fits inside the front side
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-06 22:20:24 Oh I just understood your diagram as trying to ray cast. from pixel coords to intesect one of the planes
Orion Reed 2025-03-07 15:03:50 Here's a demo drawing some rope between shapes on 2 transformed planes, and also dragging shapes around (which is where raycasting comes in)
the missing piece is handling of CSS perspective... Tom Larkworthy it seems like you may have figured out some (or all?) of that problem, gonna try and grok the observable you linked, would love to figure out how to account for perspective here
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-07 15:31:05 yeah the raycasting works under perspective. I will try to get the katex formulas reactively linked to the math to make it easier to follow over the weekend. If you need some more degrees of freedom added LMK what you would like.
Orion Reed 2025-03-07 15:50:11 yeah if you were able to add a visual for some transformed plane to see it in action that would be super useful
Marek Rogalski 2025-03-07 18:14:28 Christopher Shank if I recall CSS behaviour correctly, then your code should also account for element position before applying matrix inverse. CSS transforms operate in element's local coordinate space (transform origin, specifically). It's probably just about subtracting origin from pageX and pageY.
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-07 18:27:15 ok added a 2nd camera that orbits the cube so you have a better angle of the intersection ray. Also fixed the domains and aspects of the plots so the FoV parameter properly zooms
Tom Larkworthy 2025-03-07 17:00:51 The FoC Berlin startup I work for who has a IUD for a logo is congratulated by the Nasdaq! Clojure fans might recognise some of our customers names. BTW I switch from working in dev tools (ex-Firebase) to Fintech 3 years ago and it is so much better appreciated for pushing the envelope of what computation is and providing data augmented programming. Spreadsheets were developed for accounting, I don't think thats an accident... finance people are inherently more FoC friendly is what I have realised eventually. They dislike programming but love quantification, understanding and insights. They gravitate for the bicycle of the mind use-case over technical details, and they are willing to pay for things that ROI (unlike developers). Unfortunately they are much more secretive so I never really get to share details on the product :(