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Konrad Hinsen 2025-02-17 08:13:49

Don't fork the ecosystem, by Gordon Brander. Drawing on analogies between software and living systems.

Paul Tarvydas 2025-02-17 15:04:06

Did some kinds of progress break the ecosystem, though? Galilean cosmology vs. Ptolemaic, iPhone replaced land-lines, electric grid, Gutenberg press, internet vs. paper books, cable TV vs antennas, streaming vs. cable TV...

Konrad Hinsen 2025-02-17 15:12:48

That's "Let things live side-by-side" on Gordon's list at the end of the article. Not breaking the ecosystem, but growing a new one besides it. In the cases you cite, the new one ultimately became the dominant one, and the prior one withered away.

Duncan Cragg 2025-02-18 12:46:52

grumpy gripe: iPhone didn't replace land lines! Ubiquity of Smartphones did - I stopped using a land line without ever having to spend insane amounts on an iPhone šŸ¤—

Duncan Cragg 2025-02-18 12:49:02

I think "fork" could be replaced better with "evolve in a breaking way", thus distinguishing splitting evolution from breaking evolution and then breaking ecosystems. I mean, a fork shouldn't actually break anything if you're on the fork, it should be backwards compatible down the tree.

Duncan Cragg 2025-02-18 12:51:21

The WWW and most major languages (C, C++, Java) did very well keeping things deprecated for years until they withered, or fell into disuse naturally. And Windows/Unix is another example. OS-X is a counter-example

Jonathan Edwards 2025-02-19 01:30:05

Please submit to Onward! papers and essays. One of the best places to publish ambitious non-mainstream ideas on programming.

Christopher Shank 2025-02-20 01:40:37

ā€œVisual programming is stuck on the formā€ by @Wil Chung

Scott 2025-02-20 02:05:10

Thanks, love this!

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-20 02:14:19

Exactly why for my project, I ignored the form almost altogether. šŸ˜† Maybe you donā€™t need it at all times.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-20 07:25:37

I actually wonder what would happen if you divided program flow and state into a sort of splitscreen sketch canvas land,

Guyren Howe 2025-02-20 08:10:16

Excel and FileMaker are the best and most useful visual programming systems ever devised.

Excel is a mix of visual and textual. I imagine most effective visual programming systems will be a mix of some kind.

FileMaker is mainly not textual. It can do this because it is for programming in the Relational Model, which is not Turing Complete. Much of what programmers do in TC languages can in fact be represented in the Relational Model. Programming systems that employ a TC language intimately associated with a relational UI and a query language like Datalog would be much more ā€œvisualā€ than most systems in use today.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-20 08:23:45

I honestly dislike excel/spreadsheets, but I get they tend to be their own model. for visual programming in some sub-domains I donā€™t find them intuitive in terms of how I think.

Joshua Horowitz 2025-02-20 17:48:58

Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 8.40.51ā€ÆPM.png

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-20 17:50:04

^Yeah exactly I was thinking this using a sketch canvas to show the code side effects and data

Joshua Horowitz 2025-02-20 18:30:26

@Karl Toby Rosenberg your drawing looks a lot like is that an accurate comparison?

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-20 18:32:55

I never really used Python tutor, but I suppose the flow/data split is a point of comparison yes.

Iā€™m into sort of using moving sketches as representations of programs. You probably saw my project floating around.

šŸ“ DrawTalking

a prototype system that empowers users to build interactive worlds by sketching and speaking ā€” while telling stories

John Christensen 2025-02-20 18:53:29

I disagree with the assertion that "Visual programming hasn't been very successful". I often see examples of visual programming systems that are used and appreciated by many people get discounted as merely domain specific - They aren't "general purpose".

This is a strange (and very common) default expectation of what programming languages should aspire to be. To me, this is a bit like discounting the effectiveness of a chain-saw, because it can't also be used as a screwdriver. We shouldn't judge visual programming languages based on their ability to be a swiss-army-knife like the "general purpose" textual languages we have today.

I'm not terribly interested in attempts at creating a "general purpose" visual programming languages. Designing a tool that can be used in EVERY domain seems hopelessly impossible. Designing a tool that works in a specific domain is going to be a lot more effective and achievable.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-20 20:21:49

Domain-specific makes sense.

Arvind Thyagarajan 2025-02-23 03:03:40

I've actually always believed that general purpose is a great and achievable goal, because how else would I, a designer and commoner, build anything I dreamed up? Programming certainly can be, but perhaps shouldn't only be, compared to narrow-focus tools like a chainsaw or pliers. Programming can, and I believe should, be a pen, or money, or clay, a substrate for complex computation, data storage and retrieval, and live malleable stateful display. If textual programming can be comfortably "general purpose", I wonder what makes it become uncomfortable when we consider visual programming?

Arvind Thyagarajan 2025-02-23 03:23:08

NB: I would however reference an šŸ’¬ #linking-together@2024-12-01 that recasts what we typically mean when we say "general purpose" as in fact domain specific to a particularly narrow range of software development for popular markets

[November 30th, 2024 8:49 PM] ak: He objects to the usual way programmers use "general-purpose" and "domain-specific":

Theyā€™re typically dismissed as ā€œdomain-specificā€. This pejorative reflects a peculiar geocentrism of the programming language community, whose ā€œgeneral-purpose languagesā€ such as Java and Python are in fact very much domain-specific ā€” specific to the domain of software development.

Oleksandr Kryvonos 2025-02-22 23:31:12

Whole book of Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence by Peter Norvig is availble on His github

Kartik Agaram 2025-02-22 23:32:49

Classic book, deeply influential on me in the mid-00s.