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Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-04 01:58:03

A bit off-the-wall, but I’m thinking about what true “spatial computing” (or insert buzz-term here) visual programming could look like, or instead of the word “true”, interesting, pragmatic, and unique. I’ll post something if I think of anything at all, but in the meantime, I’d be curious to hear thoughts. One thing I don’t want to do is rely on wire spaghetti everywhere. To me, interesting problems arise because of the spatial component. Things going out of view.

William Taysom 2025-02-04 02:45:38

Oh! This is one of my favorite idea playgrounds! My guiding principle, the one that keeps me away from existing programming systems, is to stay analog, contagious, connected, smooth, linear, to avoid language, symbology, anything brittle. Adjacency, interpolation, and context should always be meaningful and retained. Let me elaborate a little...

Kartik Agaram 2025-02-04 02:54:06

I'm not sure I follow what you mean by spatial, Karl. Things go out of view even in node-and-wire systems, right? Or even text-based programming, with scrolling?

Is 💬 #thinking-together@2025-01-21 related? I remember I didn't really follow the connection you were making between indentation, spatial computation and replacing functions with macros. But others seemed to get it, so I think I'm just out of my element with this topic.

What spatial computation means to me, at the risk of stating the obvious:

William Taysom 2025-02-04 02:55:39

@Karl Toby Rosenberg Yes, do elaborate on what you have in mind, maybe with an example. I'll share my example in a minute.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-04 02:59:05

Oh, I meant it in the Apple Vision Pro sense. Being able to manipulate objects in the real world. Understood this may be contentious. Dynamicland or AR goggles don’t really matter if they lead to useful thought experiments or prototypes. One example is how our modern (and longtime) infrastructure comprises streetsigns, guiding symbols, things that connect to telegraph meanings of objects in the real world. What if we could program our environment? (Not new questions, but interesting nonetheless to revisit).

I’d argue that we already have 3D world-situated visual programming languages, just not digital or things we can manipulate.

There are a lot of research projects that just try to let you program things like IoT appliances using combinations of wire-nodes or blocks in 3D, but I’m not convinced these approaches as the best. Dynamicland also does its own thing.

So I’d say none of the above.

More along the lines of, what would it be like if we had the ability to program as part of language in a 3D space? (At a table, in a room.)

Apologies if that’s still vague.

I’d say some of what I’m interested in might be a 3D logical evolution of ideas in my previous project

William Taysom 2025-02-04 03:04:31

Suppose you have a bunch of things: a table of records, a list of items, a sequence of keyframes, a grid of models parameterized in one way or another. Let's go with the the grid. Let's say they're paper airplanes where the angle of one fold is varied along one dimension and the angle of another fold is varied along another. In the end, the grid shows different combinations. Some look good, some look stupid, some are mediocre. Pull the pretty ones toward you, push the bad ones away. Now instead of a simple "yes/no" filter, we have this third quality dimension in addition to the two parameters, and we can do spacial things with it, like rotate the whole assembly, focusing on a cross section of similar quality or better yet, perpendiculars where the gradient is especially steep. My point is that more typical visualizations throw out the context and connectivity of things.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-04 03:08:11

It sounds like you’re focusing on the “what we can do” portion vs the “how is it visualized” or maybe both. Neat. I wish there were a drawing or storyboard to visualize that.

I’m not sure if you’re still referring to a 2D screen medium, but I can imagine this working perfectly well on a 2D surface in 3D like a table, where you push/pull using gestures.

I think connectivity is pretty important for what I wanted to explore in terms of rules and cause/effect sorts of things. (When the light is white, it’s safe to cross the street.)

I realize this kind of conflicts with what you felt is cool, or maybe it’s unrelated.

William Taysom 2025-02-04 03:45:32

Conflict is fine. It's all about having different perspectives.

Checked on DrawTalking... cute! I love it. So much fun and so subtle!

So how in does my general theme of space, curving, selection, and rotation interact with behaviors, like the boy playing ball with the dog, but instead of using the richness of language? Behavior is change over time so time is new axis we work with. Already sketching the boy is an example. Pen motion (x,y,t) is flattened to all those (x,y) that were hit while drawing the boy. Now making a symbol (in the Flash sense) amounts do delimiting where we started drawing the boy and when we stopped. Moving the boy amounts to translating where that delimited continuation starts. Now draw a ball, great.

"The boy throws the ball." First he needs to go get it. How to I model this? Similar to the paper airplanes example, take the space of places the boy can be crossed with places the ball could be. "Better" here has the boy closer to the boy closer to the ball. In the end, we want a gradient that has the boy getting closer to the ball. For good animation velocity should play a role too, but the point is that we're picking a path through the high dimensional space and then projecting onto (boy.x, boy.y , ball.x, ball.y, t) and watching that. At the UI level, the motion should just be to drag the boy to the ball. It's up to the system to interpolate the rest according to some least action, different actions giving different easing.

And of course the real subtlety is the different states: boy going to pick up ball, ball falling into water, dog going to get ball, dog giving ball to boy.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-04 03:51:59

Thanks for taking a look! (and calling it cute) I think I wasn’t focusing on animation fidelity, but I can see how you might add controls for inspecting what looks good if you were to go about using the environment to do that (based on what you said). I think when I was thinking of spatial computing, I meant some other term (there are many overloaded terms) that might capture the feeling of e.g. drawing in air or on surfaces; using 3D digital objects. More of a feel than a procedure. Most 3D “programming” uses the nodes and wires approach, but if the aim is to situate programming in an environment in which you’re communicating with other people, a sort of “design goal” might be to reduce all that visual clutter. Different/complementary problem I think.

William Taysom 2025-02-04 03:56:21

Now... 2D vs 3D. 3D just has a lot, a lot more space to do stuff in: helpful since I dedicate a new axis so every feature and want to keep things connected. My favorite tricks are...

  • sampling rather than showing the whole interpolation: a grid of airplanes rather than some 5D mess of superimposed airplanes,
  • easy rotation: works way better in 3D than on screens, and
  • perspective effects: put side-features on the side of a model so that those dimensions unfold when you shift your whole body on direction or another. It's more natural than, say, the keyboard acrobatics you see in CAD.
William Taysom 2025-02-04 03:57:21

Now, let's talk about your design goal... communicating without visual clutter.

William Taysom 2025-02-04 03:59:08

For behavior, do you mean like storyboards? Seems like the most natural way to show something like the boy-ball example: keyframes with motion arrows.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-04 03:59:40

May I interject? Is this about a cube grid? I suppose I was visualizing a whole room with different objects doing Alan Kay message passing (as just an example, not necessarily what I’d do)

William Taysom 2025-02-04 04:00:40

For elucidation, they can be more informative than than the video itself. Answers question like the trajectory of the ball or does the dog start chasing the ball before or after it lands in the water?

William Taysom 2025-02-04 04:02:37

"Is this about a cube grid?" What is the referent of "this"?

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-04 04:02:48

Your scenario description.

I’m a little confused also about the purpose of showing storyboards of the boy and dog. The objective is to create interactive game mechanics or mechanics in general, not to describe the mechanics. Apologies, I’m probably missing a key point.

William Taysom 2025-02-04 04:13:30

No worries. The whole point of conversation is to interactively clarify. Now what's the difference between creating interactive game mechanics and describing the mechanics? Audience. Creating is for the computer, describing is for a person, and the emphasis is liable to be different.

Suppose we wanted to play a card game right here and now using some magical programming substrate to help simulate the cards. The computer really needs to know what exactly can happen when in order to implement the rules, resolve ambiguity and contradictions. But for you, I would start by explaining the goal of the game, important interactions to look out for, then we could come to the individual steps. (Mumbles something about Aristotle and causes.)

William Taysom 2025-02-04 04:19:19

Maybe a problem with using the procedural way to talk to the computer is that getting rules to achieve goals is tricky.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-04 04:22:08

That’s part of why it’s interesting. My project touched pieces of this, but in other contexts, there’s more to try.

William Taysom 2025-02-04 04:22:22

A storyboard is explicit about where you're starting and where you want to go. The right answer for certain kinds of interaction. Of course, there's an exploratory direction too, "Hey computer, given these rules, let's see what happens!" Tension comes from the mismatch wanting a particular overall behavior but only being able to describe it with the primitives the machine already knows.

William Taysom 2025-02-04 04:26:55

The talking in DrawTalking is cute and subtle because these basic words carry a lot of intention. The computer has to do a lot of guessing and should, but then it should be easy to understand and revise system's assumptions.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-04 04:31:27

Yep, the underlying system essentially has verb primitives with attributes that act as parameters (the adjectives and adverbs). Those are built-in. Some way to parameterize those even more fluidly would be nice. For some kinds of actions, it’d be easier. For others, not so much. It’s an interesting challenge. I’m not a fan of just generating things. Better to have a limited understandable vocabulary that is easy to change. The existing verbs have a pretty closed meaning to make that possible in theory. So yes, combining the words with other approaches (direct ones for example) or correction opportunities, or other ways to “program” the user’s changed assumptions in would be nice.

Programming by demonstration’s pretty common for movement-based actions, but for more abstract kinds of actions, that’s where it gets tricky.

William Taysom 2025-02-04 08:56:58

Well you have to pick some primitives, right? Those best for simple animation, for example, are similar yet significantly different than the ones that work well for, say, board games. Animation is more about coordinating movement. Games are more about having spots where you can put pieces, stack them, roll, and shuffle... And then "video games" as such that are more about collision and timing doubly so.

Alex McLean 2025-02-04 10:43:22

I think it would be cool if things connected automatically just by putting them next to each other.

Rather than using single pictographic images you could combine them together in this way based on visual adjacency, creating a practically unlimited range of symbols with just a couple of dozen primitives.

You could then make sub-procedures by drawing little arcs either side, to create spatial depth that could visually represent branching trees. You could ornament the arcs to denote different kinds of branches. You could even supplement this branching using the horizontal spatial position on the page.

Execution could perhaps flow downwards, but you could draw the same images in different parts to create a spatial wormhole from one part of the page to another, or create a visual looping structure with the arcs.

Even better if you could visually colour different parts based on their type. I think it could work pretty well

Alex McLean 2025-02-04 10:45:17

I don't know if anyone's tried making something like this

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-04 14:48:03

@Alex McLean If you’re open to drawing a little sketch / storyboard of the idea, that would be cool. I think I get it, but I don’t know if I get it.

One thing I found nice about using text labels + language is that I could command and refer to objects offscreen or just connect them with a command (the block moves to <other thing>).

Yet, it’d be nice to have a light program representation to show all the different relations built-up. (The arcs / adjacency?)

Alex McLean 2025-02-06 22:28:57

Sorry I was being facetious while thinking about emacs. 😉

Alex McLean 2025-02-06 22:34:47

making the usual point that all code is spatial


Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-06 22:36:28

I know, but I feel maybe the term was used in error. I’m really just talking about 3D interaction in the form of something like room or world-scale Dynamicland or whatever form of Augmented Reality you like.

Not spatial in the abstract sense.

I totally agree written code is “spatial.” goto / jumps are spatial.

Duncan Cragg 2025-02-06 22:46:49

I think "Dynamicland but over the internet in XR" is what we should all be aiming for. 🤗

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-06 22:49:11

I wanted to be able to have a tabletop discussion with midair graphics magic, potentially. Probably I need to create concept art. 🤣 oh well

Chris Knott 2025-02-07 10:08:13

Dave Ackley's work is a kind of "true" spatial computing that mimics the sort of "computation" you get in moulds/fungi

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 10:28:41

(answering to the original prompt)

Thanks for opening this topic. I have been mulling and tinkering with those concepts for the past year or so but never felt ripe to discuss it here so I only annoyed my non-coding friends with this this so far 🙂. So here are my half-baked thoughts anyway:

I differentiate between spatial programming and spatial computing.

In spatial programming, we have more spatial, more visual ways to describe a program than a plain text file. E.g. all the nodes n' arrows / graph representation of computation but there are for sure other approaches as well. It is all about finding more visual, more humane ways of representing programs.

In spatial computing on the other hand, the atomic units of memory are spatial and the operations that transform them are too. E.g. the above mentioned robust-first programming, all kinds of cellular automata or Scott Kim's Viewpoint system (dissertation PDF)

It seems to me that there is far more exploration in the former field and very little interesting work in the latter. Why? Here is my theory:

When you build a spatial programming system, you have a vision and an intuition on how exactly it should feel to code and then you go there, use your barely-spatial, text-based programming toolbox to make this vision come true. You have a clear goal to work towards, a problem to solve, convergent thinking to do. This style of work is taught at the engineering departments. Those engineers are the ones with the knowledge to do the exploration in the first place. Also, this serves the ego very well. You have a vision and you leave an imprint on the world by making it come true.

When you build a spatial computing system, you don't build a product, you don't work towards a clear goal. What you do is you create a new medium in which to build. It is hard to predict what you or others are going to build in the new medium. The outcome and the benefits are a lot more nebulous. It requires more divergent thinking, which is more likely taught in art schools, not engineering schools. I view it more like the act of planting a seed and then modestly taking a step back and letting it grow on it's own. Less ego involved here.

I think we should find other, more spatial representations of programs, but those should build upon a spatial model of computation. Trying to build a spatial programming system straight on the basis of the conventional, text/byte based tools means going against the grain of that medium. We should first build a spatial medium for computation and from there, visual/spatial representations of programs will emerge naturally.

The work of Scott Kim is an awesome step in that direction, even though the system could not be programmed "from the inside". In Kim's Viewpoint system, the smallest unit of memory is a pixel, which, even if embedded into a 2D grid, is still tightly married to the idea of a byte.

To expand upon this, I started to work on a system where the lowest unit of memory is a 2D line segment with a set of tags. Line segments are addressed not by their distance to some nullptr or their Cartesian coordinates on a pixel grid but by queries on the 2D canvas (e.g. "all lines with tag X, left of line Y" or "all lines touching line X without tag Y") and the basic operations/the instruction set are all about geometric transformation of those line segments.

I should have a wasm-backed demo running with a cheatsheet, example code and some basic documentation by the end of next week for you to try out 🙂

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-08 17:41:31

demos and concept art help!

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 17:42:55

Will deliver 🙂 next week.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-08 17:44:01

I’m still a little unsure how to convey the type of computing that’s in 3D / “augmented reality” because I don’t really like the term augmented reality. It’s just… computing in interpersonal space?

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 17:46:32

What do you mean with interpersonal space here?

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-08 17:47:20

This is what I mean. 🤣 I mean virtual/augmented reality in the sense of things floating in 3D between people having a conversation, but I am unhappy with being unable to express what I really mean.

I don’t really think this is the best that can be done, but it’s A thing that can be done. Just some really really rough gif

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 17:50:02

So people would have to wear XR glasses or what technology are you thinking about?

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 17:51:10

🙂 I like the sketch.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-08 17:52:07


I think you probably would need something like XR glasses and/or projections. I’m not exactly a fan of forcing that, but let’s say for the sake of prototyping, yes.

I actually agree that a lot of things could be 2D projected onto the table and then “pulled out” of the plane if you want to manipulate it as an object in 3D. Not everything has to be 3D.

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 17:53:15

For my case: I would love to have a line computer drive a vector display and not a pixel display. Make that a laser projection system above the table together with a camera. This is not 3D and more like a lo-fi version of dynamicland. I don't really like XR glasses. They exclude everybody who does not wear them instead of bringing people together. The whole AR corner smells too much like escapism to me.

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 17:53:52

Hmm I see the pulling out part. But then you need fancy 3D tech again which destroys accessibility.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-08 17:54:55

I think of XR glasses as a prototype.

Some select things are useful to be exclusive though. For example, a moderator or teacher interacting with students might want to be able to visualize things only they can see.

Asymmetry has its uses.

Also I don’t have resources to create a laser-mediated system. :(

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 17:56:30

Did not seem too hard here:

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 17:58:08

Hmm I think the best way to restrict information from getting to the wrong eyes/privacy is just to go to a different room. Otherwise you create weird power dynamics in the room. But maybe we are thinking about different scenarios here.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-08 18:00:01

I’m absolutely not a hw person but oh well.

I think XR still lets you envision the full range of possibilities.

Actually if you very specifically want to have a private conversation with someone limited to a small room or table, then the exclusivity aspect makes a little more sense.

Yes we’re thinking of different cases. Sometimes you want power dynamics. You already have it in a classroom. The professor has more controls.

But if we’re talking about always-on situations, that’s where it gets weird.

So I would agree that asymmetric XR is weird if it’s not isolated to specific rooms or situations in which the participants haven’t agreed to a power differential. If that makes sense.

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 18:02:44

Not a big fan of power dynamics in the classroom tbh 😬. Just because that is what we are used to does not mean it is good. Of course we can not get rid of it alltogether but we should be sensible about it especially when building tools.

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 18:02:55

yep that makes sense

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 18:03:32

I really like the dynamicland approach. Even though there is not 3D, it lets everyone participate equally.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-08 18:04:48

In this case, I am thinking - the professor might have a list of names they can see, or a private annotation space. Controls for turning on and off simulations. Ms. Frizzle’s Magic School bus as an equivalent. She controls the journey. (If you know that series).

But students could also have their own private thinking spaces.

Sometimes we want privacy.

I’m aware this can be used for harm as well.

Not a fan of always-on surveillance cams kinds of stuff.

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 18:06:57

ah I see. For the case of the private information I would just opt for separate devices (just a dumb old tablet?)

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 18:07:16

Totally agree on the camera issue.

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 18:08:51

I see no way around it though. Maybe there is a way to ensure that the video feed is live-processed in a sealed device that only outputs the metadata/distilled geometry that is needed for XR? But even that sounds sketchy and easy to abuse.

Maximilian Ernestus 2025-02-08 18:09:18

I really like the combination of the light pen and a vector display. It is so low-tech but so powerful at the same time.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-08 18:13:17

I’m just not really in hw land to the point where I’d trust myself. I’d be more than happy to collaborate with people to find such solutions.

The camera’s actually being unlocked moreso now, but there’s no real way around it if you want to do some fancy inference on what you’re looking at. Another case of “this could be used for good or evil.”

XR would let me draw on any surface wherever I am, which is nicer than a tablet. But that could be solved if all the walls were made of a magic distributed multitouch surface that could be a sprayed-on coating. That’s cyber futuristic though.

Paul Tarvydas 2025-02-08 18:46:58

I differentiate between spatial programming and spatial computing.

I really like this distinction.

Tomas Petricek 2025-02-05 11:54:44

I would like to recreate an example of some nice data wrangling / data cleaning user experience based loosely on programming by demonstration. The classic reference for things like this I know of is Wrangler ( Are there nicer newer things I should be looking at?

Joshua Horowitz 2025-02-06 08:53:25

Not sure about “data wrangling” per se, but Ultorg (fka SIEUFERD) is a very well-developed interface for reshaping / querying relational data by demonstration. One of its papers has this nice listing of related systems, including Wrangler, some of which may be relevant to you.


Tomas Petricek 2025-02-06 21:49:41

Thanks! This looks super interesting - I was thinking and searching along the lines of "data science", but I completely missed all the work around relational data querying, even though that is exactly what I was looking for. This is a super interesting paper and the references in the literature are fantastic too.

The other interesting thing I cam across in the meantime is Wrex ( - which is "by example" (not so much "by demonstration") but it has a really nice ability to then turn your interactively created transformations into a code cell in a notebook.

Chris Knott 2025-02-07 10:04:42

Wrangler appears to have completed it's evolution into corporate SaaS


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Scott 2025-02-08 16:55:30

Has anyone here spent much time thinking about how the business of software changes as AI models, techniques, and devtools improve?

In particular, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about the implications of:

1) what happens when things that previously took 6mo-1y to build out are quickly turning in to $0.10 API calls today and once models are small enough, architectures optimize more, and hardware improves, transform into a low level OS primitive tomorrow

2) do we need to start accounting for software as an asset differently when the payback period gets measured on a much shorter timeline?

3) internally, how much time do we need to focus on reducing our Time To Rebuild vs letting external forces reduce it for us?

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-08 17:40:56

I’m worried about the environmental impact few people seem to care about. Also AI models are currently deceptively hard to make. They’re still error-prone and a good design using them implicitly automates LESS because a human should be able to correct errors. So I’d argue the models don’t cover a vast majority of use cases as much as everyone seems to thinks so. As with every tool, there are niches and drawbacks.

My opinion, also, is that no one should “wait around.” This probably doesn’t cover most of the question, but I thought I’d add my 2¢.

Scott 2025-02-08 20:09:10

I'm curious to see how the energy usage/environmental impact changes as different model generations and architectures are developed. For example, with deepseek's latest release you could download a 32b parameter model that runs fine on last generation's macbook pro that's roughly gpt4/sonnet3.5 level which is high enough quality for most tasks

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-08 20:18:31

My concern is that people will just consume more and more to compensate for higher/efficiency, meaning that unless people and organizations are actively aware, it won’t matter.

I hear deepseek on-device is a lie. Actually just llama fine tuned on deepseek data. Actual deepseek is not able to run locally.

Scott 2025-02-08 20:27:04

Yeah, they're the llama and qwen models, but the techniques they used still improve them enough to hit those benchmarks running locally, but that's also not the stopping point...its more that it shows its possible and we haven't hit a wall yet

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-08 20:28:13

I think we still need to treat these carefully even if the power consumption per request is reduced, but yes.

George Campbell 2025-02-09 15:38:46

The cost should be included in the price (not that is). That way decisions can be made based on only one metric.

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-09 15:39:33

Money is more abstract that environmental impact though. People will pay. hmmm

Scott 2025-02-09 18:36:57

Ooh George Campbell if I'm understanding your comment - this new "cost" I'm talking about could actually cause software prices to rise and be more volatile? Because if you're doing something that has a high Time To Rebuild (at first) that means you're probably one of the only ones offering it for a time and then have a monopoly over earn as much as you can until your advantage is gone

Andreas S. 2025-02-09 10:34:21

Hey 👋 this one could be interesting:

Is programming culture collapsing under its own frustrations(technical and social and all in between and towards each other?)?

What do you think?

Chris Lloyd 2025-02-09 14:18:21

I'm usually a fan of his writing, but this reads like Salvatore had a frustrating week at work and is taking it out on the internet. He clearly feels like his particular programming aesthetic is under attack. I'm not as convinced - for every one of those points I can think of counter-examples. Moreover, I can think of cases where "we" are doing what he's asking for - it's all a straw-man!

Karl Toby Rosenberg 2025-02-09 17:47:12

I think this is what is happening in large corporate settings as opposed to globally/in the world. There is a ton of cruft and tech debt in enterprise software, as well as in some of the ways cs is taught. I can see how this is true within some contexts. It depends on who “we” are.

Andreas S. 2025-02-09 18:31:42

Yes his we is very pale

Tak Tran 2025-02-09 17:46:28

🤖 I’m reading about weak robots (Panasonic also made a “farting cat robot” called Nicobo), and I’m loving the idea:

Exposing “weaknesses” instead of hiding them inside creates a space for connection in a relationship. Furthermore, it creates a relationship in which both parties can compensate for each other’s imperfections and draw out each other’s strengths. The “weak robots” prove this, says Okada, and the same principle applies in human-to-human relationships.

“However, we have always lived in a society that encourages people to be self-sufficient, so it is difficult for us to show our weaknesses. Still, sometimes a weakness can turn into a strength when we expose it and trust the other party. I hope that ‘weak robots’ will serve as a model for restoring rich and flexible relationships to society, and will help loosen the intolerance that exists in the world.”

“Weakness” dissolves hierarchical relationships and the boundaries of doer and receiver, and in this sense, it is a “strength” that enriches the relationship. The “weak robots” taught me the essence of what we should aim for in a diverse society.

Also love the idea of soft robots like Toyota’s Punyo. They’re such a refreshing take on robots, as opposed to the dystopian humanoid robots that the big tech companies seem like to be striving for 😬

This rabbit hole started from seeing a Megatron transforming robot, which initially triggered all my dormant “thats, so cool!” childhood dreams - but seeing it fail at a few voice commands, and being quite unnatural outside of the preprogrammed/animated tasks^, I was yearning for better forms of robotics. About 7 yrs ago, I thought cozmo/vector, had potential, esp with their team’s ex-pixar experience, but these products seem to have become hollowed out after running out of startup cash and being sold off 😢 The programming aspects of these consumer robots are pretty disappointing too - mainly relying on block based programming, which seems quite primitive compared to what the hardware is capable of. I guess the more modern approach is to use some blend of ChatGPT-esque interface, but that’s quite clunky too.

Anyone know of any delightful programming interfaces for robots? Or other interesting alternatives to the Terminator style robots coming out?

^ To be fair, when it worked, it was amazing 😍 They even got the original voice actors, to add to the nostalgia value.

Tak Tran 2025-02-09 17:49:29

I also like and the robots coming out from disney research.