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Nilesh Trivedi 2024-12-06 14:13:39

Debian is currently struggling with allowing UTF-8 in usernames. I wrote about various challenges involved in NAMING things (i.e. human-readable unique identifiers for concepts/topics or people etc):

John Christensen 2024-12-08 18:16:36

Does anyone have recommendations/resources (blogs, papers, implementations, etc.) on rendering hand drawn curves? Currently I'm just going from a raw list of cursor positions to a simplified list of Bezier curves using Schnieder's algorithm.

I want to try using pressure/tilt values from a cheap drawing tablet to draw more "natural" curves, but I don't currently have the vocabulary to find what work has been done in this area.

Also interested in any adjacent UX ideas for this type of interaction :)

Christopher Shank 2024-12-08 18:55:12

Definitely check out Steve Ruiz's perfect-freehand library