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Jimmy Miller 2024-09-28 03:43:37

Anyone else here going to splash? I know Ivan Reese and Lu Wilson are presenting. I’ll be attending. Just wanted to see if anyone else is going to

Ivan Reese 2024-09-28 05:32:52

Quite a few familiar names in the LIVE program:

📝 LIVE 2024 - SPLASH 2024

For more information, including a helpful FAQ, please visit| Programming is cognitively demanding, and too difficult. LIVE is a workshop exploring new user interfaces that improve the immediacy, usability, and learnability of programming. Whereas PL research traditionally focuses on programs, LIVE focuses more on the activity of programming. Programmers don’t materialize programs out of thin air, but construct them out of existing programs. Embracing this insight leads to a different focus at LIVE compared to traditional PL workshops. Here are some of the qualities that we c ...

Konrad Hinsen 2024-09-28 08:16:18

I'll be a remote participant, presenting at Onwards! Stefan Lesser and Lu Wilson are presenting at Onwards! as well.

Tomas Petricek 2024-09-29 20:35:16

I sadly won't be there, but have a joint paper with my student at HATRA ( about making interactive theorem provers more interactive (somewhat in "augmenting human intellect" style...) - and would love to hear what people here think about that!