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Kartik Agaram 2024-09-24 21:14:09

It took a couple of days but I've now completely rewritten my parser so it can serve both for display and computation duties. Displaying requires keeping track of spaces. Computation requires detecting invalid statements.

Now 💬 #devlog-together@2024-09-18 can perform computations in (indented) code lines.

Still missing: synchronization between code lines and prose lines. The screenshot for example shows me redundantly defining ice_kg = 2 to provide it to code lines. Also, heat_flux is computed in code, but not yet filled in the blank space in prose.

I'm continuing to accumulate design principles:

  • (generalizing from before) Everything is visible and easy to discover, whether it's the formula for a blank or the syntax to define a new blank or how to change colors. Any pattern you see on screen is easy to copy with the keyboard. (The one exception right now is the use of | characters in blanks and / in code. Both turn into horizontal lines.)
  • What you typed in is saved in the document -- except what you put into blanks in prose. Blanks are not saved, but can override default values defined in code.


Maikel van de Lisdonk 2024-09-29 17:21:20

Hi, this weekend I spend a lot of time tweaking and improving some stuff under the hood of Code Flow Canvas.. and I finally started building some unit/integration tests for the runtime flow engine as I want to reliably know when a flow is finished. I found some situations with certain node-types (the map and foreach node-types) that had some bugs in it that I didn't notice before. Also when the flow-engine was used in a none DOM environment there was a nasty bug somewhere deep in the system which caused nodes not to be reached... building tests for this really helped and save me some time debugging. All of this is important anyway but especially for the demo that I will give remotely at Live this year, because I don't want to surprise myself and anyone else 😊...

In the attached screenshot you can see a new flow example that I made and hopefully make a video of next week: the K-Means clustering algorithm including visualisation of the clusters and centroids. You can already try it on (it's in the examples).
