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Kartik Agaram 2024-09-09 07:53:01

A minimalist project for creating arbitrary policies for drawing text to screen while remembering where you put everything so you can respond to mouse and keyboard events.

Zak Miller 2024-09-09 14:57:37

Very early days (and not as innovative as a lot of the things I see on here), but I started working on a vscode extension that takes some ideas from semantic editing to build something sort of vimlike but that has things like functions, parameters, etc as first class ideas so you can e.g. press f to select the nearest function, press q to go to parameters, and then press a to append a new parameter at the end (which adds a comma and space, or newline and space, or whatever, and then drops you in insert mode) Here's a little video if you're interested -

Kartik Agaram 2024-09-09 15:16:41

Ooh so cool! I can't believe I haven't thought to want this before.

I wonder how many such polyglot concepts there are like statement, function, argument. Argument in particular is a powerful one that many tools don't do much with.

Idea: include a couple of paredit like hotkeys for broadening or narrowing the selection. For example, wanting to append to the lhs and then rhs of a parallel assignment statement.

Zak Miller 2024-09-09 16:08:36

That's a good idea! I have a way to go up and down on the tree, (e.g. go from one parameter to all of them) but I don't have something for extending to include siblings but it would be easy to add

Zak Miller 2024-09-09 16:13:43

My thinking was that there are a relatively small number of concepts that people care about in most languages, and c like languages are similar enough that you can get 95% of what you want across all those languages pretty easily. The demo is typescript but I've done some testing with go and rust and it mostly works

Daniel Garcia 2024-09-10 02:09:07

This is really cool.

Did you follow any tutorial on how to create a vscode extension?

Zak Miller 2024-09-10 21:21:46

Daniel Garcia thanks!

No, I had a little experience in the past contributing to and I also used as a jumping off point which helped

Zak Miller 2024-09-10 21:22:01

Although I tend to just jump into things and google when I don't know how to solve a particular problem

Daniel Garcia 2024-09-10 22:43:09

Thanks for the links, they look like a great starting point for me to learn about vscode extensions

Declan 2024-09-11 21:25:47

Hi all, I made a page to contextualize 13 billion euros (or 14): an amount owed to Ireland in an EU Apple tax case and all over the airwaves here this week. I use some pretty silly back-of-the-envelope type calculations (the same ones also repeated a lot here this week!).

These calculations aren't especially interesting, but I think I'll use this example to illustrate a close link between numbers: the type that we read and report about everyday, and their formulas/workings - because all numbers have these.

Here you can also change numbers in calculang (e.g. change that 13Bn to 14Bn) and related numbers on the page will flash with updates.

I was glad of this exercise to focus on something a little more relatable to a simple spreadsheet, but portable and structured in terms of calculations imo, unlike a spreadsheet.

And I needed to face a wee small bit about the pains of finding data, and even afterwards: "linking" to it 🤒 (i did a lot of c&p hardcode :dotted_line_face:)

The page is:

Declan 2024-09-13 13:41:49

I updated this to use scrubbable numbers

Mariano Guerra 2024-09-12 10:38:49

My contribution to the wikijam: Schrödinger's Wiki

A wiki with all the articles in it, each page "collapses" into existence on the first observation/visit.

The generation process uses Slack messages, podcast transcripts and community-adjacent papers to produce articles grounded in FoC's ideas.

It also has hypermedia features to navigate and explore the references in the same application.

Ivan Reese 2024-09-12 15:58:48

This is some mad scientist work right here! I love the idea this suggests of a sort of wave function collapse approach to a wiki, where pages are lazily initialized as you try to load them. Also, that transcript-driven scrubbable interface to the podcast is killer. Someone in the slack tried to build a thing like that using manually-timestamped transcripts a few years ago, but it was too time-consuming to be worthwhile (and the interface was clunky). Now that AI transcription is so good, this seems like something that should be built into a real feature on the website.

Kartik Agaram 2024-09-12 18:54:01

Holy smokes! Yeah, the timestamped transcripts are amazing. Is all that also being created lazily?

When can we have all this on 🙂 This might actually get me to listen to the podcast.

Mariano Guerra 2024-09-12 19:00:18

it could be created lazily if you have enough patience 😛

Mariano Guerra 2024-09-12 19:00:26

each transcription takes a minute or so

Kartik Agaram 2024-09-12 20:44:48

Did you end up creating them all, or just a subset for the demo?

Are they expensive to create?

Mariano Guerra 2024-09-12 20:49:20

a subset because of the api usage, I spent 12 dollars on 24 episodes of varying lengths, I guess between 0.5 and 1 dollar per episode

Mariano Guerra 2024-09-12 20:50:12

I have to try uploading transcoded mp3s that are smaller, I don't know if the price is per second, token or MB

Mariano Guerra 2024-09-12 20:51:31

$0.006 / minute (rounded to the nearest second)

Mariano Guerra 2024-09-12 20:51:48

would be interesting to upload audio at 1.25x and see if it transcribes the same 😄

Rebeca Garcia 2024-09-12 11:16:46

Hey guys, we built, documented, and soft-launched using agentic AI technology.

It’s a basic micro platform that auto-generates customisable graphs from csv your data files, it then renders an embeddable web component and we’ve used echarts, which we’re very happy with.

It took us one month to build it and another month to ship it, (highlighting a potential opportunity in AI deployment infrastructure). We’re rolling out new features weekly like a filtering settings, improvements in the AI Engine or pulling data from Notion DBs directly, we’re gathering user feedback to refine the UX and functionalities if you use it and like it/dislike it let me know!

Or if anyone is interested in the Medium articles look for Cubode and they’re all there with step by step guides on AI architecting.

Rebeca Garcia 2024-09-13 08:41:03

This is one of the articles from the series How to set up Django from Scratch with Celery + Channels + Redis + Docker — Real Time Django Workers for AI Agents — PART 1

Not sure if anyone else here has struggled with the infra to push to prod in AI before, but if you have, I’d love to have a chat, drop me a DM

📝 How to set up Django from Scratch with Celery + Channels + Redis + Docker — Real Time Django…

If you’ve not seen it by now, we have been building an web app that offers an AI agent that generates interactive and real time data…