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🕰️ 2024-07-22 18:57:53


Kartik Agaram 2024-09-03 03:54:19

Now that I have a nice design for a text editor widget, I've been putting it through its paces, particularly for ideas like syntax highlighting and something I call "syntax geometry". Here's a kinda whimsical toy where '+' flips the direction of writing from horizontal to vertical and vice versa. I only had to put this rule in in one place, and all my support for editing, moving and clicking on the screen to position the cursor continues to work.

(I did need to generalize a couple of things to get to this point.)

Can anyone think of potential uses for syntax geometry?

Justin Janes 2024-09-04 04:12:40

Something about this reminds me of computational engineering (open source example Leap71

Kartik Agaram 2024-09-05 02:17:23

Still lots missing, but check this out.

@Justin Janes Were you responding to me above? I don't quite connect the dots with Leap71..

🎥 eq.webm

Ivan Reese 2024-09-05 02:35:12

So.. it's linear, but rendered along a winding path? Neat!

Kartik Agaram 2024-09-05 02:39:18

Yeah, this is all one "line" of text. a*(b/c)

Beni Cherniavsky-Paskin 2024-09-08 14:29:29

Why is ab higher than * and + while 1 is vertically centered?

I see adding the / between b/c also affects the vertical position of * that precedes it. So it's not simply "char can affect direction of writing after it" as in previous example. Is it AST-backed now in some way? Precedence?

Mandatory potential use: playing snake 🍒⋯🐍

Kartik Agaram 2024-09-08 16:16:32

ab is treated like a single name.

I have bugs. Many of them are now fixed. This was a snapshot on a specific day.

Kartik Agaram 2024-09-08 16:16:58

And yes I'm running a parser on every frame!

Kartik Agaram 2024-09-08 22:52:40

Lol, look at how it renders hyperlinks. This isn't going to be useful without some sort of delimiter or fence around math.


Arvind Thyagarajan 2024-09-09 03:29:14

that's... not off kilter actually :-)

Konrad Hinsen 2024-09-09 05:58:58

The other solution is to ask the W3C to change URI syntax 😉