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Nilesh Trivedi 2024-08-30 08:50:22

The holy grail of AI. Any thoughts on how this kind of integration can be achieved?


Stefan Lesser 2024-08-30 11:02:31

I’d suspect whoever made this slide must have some idea?

Stefan Lesser 2024-08-30 11:04:17

(For “holy grail” status I would add a fourth category ~cognitive~ . But that’s probably not what you want to hear, as it moves the goal of harmonizing them all out much further.)

Nilesh Trivedi 2024-08-30 13:08:06

The slide was from a graph database company (AllegroGraph). It didn't go into much detail but they linked to this pre-LLM paper where two out of those three aspects were integrated:


Jason Morris 2024-08-30 17:14:05

I'm working on this stuff in my FoC project and in my day job. More on the knowledge extraction and symbolic tool use, than on having models work directly on the graphs. That seems a little... black boxy for my purposes. The basic idea is give natural language to the LLM, have it output a symbolic representation of what it learns, and have it integrate that symbolic representation with what it has already learned elsewhere. Then have a question-answering agent with the ability to browse & query the resulting knowledge graph, using a combination of symbolic reasoning, graph analysis, and semantic similarity to extract the most valuable context for the question. So far, we've done each of these pieces in isolation, trying to find a decent way to combine them and see if it improves performance on certain tasks.

Jason Morris 2024-08-30 17:16:16

Or at least, I would like to be working on that. I keep getting waylaid by also important and more urgent matters.

Mark Dewing 2024-09-01 21:57:12

There is a summer school later this week that I expect might answer some of these questions (?) (I know nothing about this field, just going by the name)

📝 Schedule

Reach out to the organizers for any information on the workshop.

Jason Morris 2024-09-02 00:48:49

I was hoping to attend virtually, but circumstances may not allow.