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Yuriy Zymlex 2024-08-25 13:35:04

I have a few questions/topics about which I would like to get your opinion. Since I'm interested in the underlying logic of this things, this may look banal.

If the essence of every programming language is the construction of logic , have there ever been any attempts to bring that process __ into minimal separate entity for purpose of wider use than just programming?

By purposes, I mean the creation of:

  • Text instructions - as you can see them in Jira, Org-Mode, Markdown (or detailed program's log)
  • Graphical - MindMap or here it is good to remember "data flow diagrams" from informatics, but it can be expanded to any other kind
  • Actually programming itself, but as building any "pseudo" code (including graphical) for convenient use with a theoretical possibility of converting "pseudo" code back to logic
  • ... (other variants)
Tom Larkworthy 2024-08-25 18:55:54 Its business logic definition that can be run on multiple engines and also has a graphical representation. cDMN adds constraint programming.