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Peter Saxton 2024-08-12 20:42:55

This video is a break from my normal log. This time I assume no previous knowledge and try to show what I thing a structured, type-safe and web-native shell should look like.

Mariano Guerra 2024-08-15 13:28:26

🪜 Bootstrap post-collapse OOP technology with Wasm GC (Part 2)

A raw WebAssembly (Text Format) implementation that bootstraps a compact object-oriented language in itself

~1500 lines of WAST, 5.8KB compiled to Wasm

📝 Bootstrap post-collapse OOP technology with Wasm GC (Part 2)

In Bootstrap post-collapse OOP technology (Part 1) I sketched the minimal set of features a language has to provide to allow booting/bootstrapping the rest of our minimal object oriented language in i

Lu Wilson 2024-08-16 20:04:20

My submission to LIVE just got accepted. Here it is!

Please read and share and let me know what you think

Maikel van de Lisdonk 2024-08-16 21:14:41

Congrats! Mine got accepted as well 😊