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Ivan Reese 2024-07-25 01:25:03

Recording of today's Future of Coding virtual meetup #3

This one featured a demo of LabView + AI from @Jim Kring, a smalltalk-esq browser for Lisp from Konrad Hinsen, plus a nice discussion about collaboration within the community led by Kartik Agaram.

Konrad Hinsen 2024-07-26 07:07:31

Here's my chance to comment my own presentation, with something I forgot to say: I'd really love to have something like my Common Lisp inspector for JavaScript, in the browser. Something going beyond the typical element inspector in letting me define custom GUI representations and interaction elements for my code and data. Maybe that something already exists, e.g. as a browser extension. Any ideas?

Paul Tarvydas 2024-07-26 11:35:19

Kartik Agaram - FWIW: first impressions, while I can still remember them, completely orthogonal to your talk:

a) When I saw your diagram, I immediately thought “this is a Kinopio diagram”. I.E. like brainstorming, flying off in multiple directions. One thing that attracts me to Kinopio is that it lets you elide busy-ness by linking to other diagrams (the “/“ operator) and replacing whole sub-diagrams by a single rectangle (albeit, manually). (

b) More agency over computers. My first impression is that you were talking about /all/ people. I don’t believe that /all/ people want more agency over their computers - if anything they want more agency over their own problem domains. Programmers want more agency over computers, dentists’ receptionists want more agency over scheduling and patient records.

📝 Kinopio – Thinking Canvas

Create spaces to mindmap, moodboard, research, whiteboard, brainstorm, plan, and take notes

Konrad Hinsen 2024-07-28 09:28:38

As for agency, I see three categories of people:

  • Those who some agency over computers and want more of it (roughly: us here)
  • Those for whom computers are tools like many others and who just want more agency in their domain. They often see computers/software as increasingly damaging to their agency.
  • Those who have no idea that one can actually have agency over computers and who would profit from it if they knew.
Maikel van de Lisdonk 2024-07-25 18:12:38


We've now had 3 remote meetups at roughly the same time: 16:00 UTC.

However, we want to do a short poll to gather some info on possible other time's to see if we can schedule our next meetup differently or even have multiple meetups on different times.

So, can you please respond with one (or more) responses from the below choices (2 questions):

  • On what time would you attend a FoC meetup?

A) 9:00 AWST/CST (+8 UTC)

B) 13:00 AWST/CST

C) 17:00 AWST/CST

D) 21:00 AWST/CST

E) 9:00 CET (+2 UTC)

F) 13:00 CET

G) 17:00 CET

H) 21:00 CET

I) 9:00 MST (-7 UTC)

J) 13:00 MST

K) 17:00 MST

L) 21:00 MST

  1. On what day of the week would you attend a FoC meetup? (weekends included)

Thanks for your help!

Ivan Reese 2024-07-25 18:32:42

Here's a way of visualizing how these times overlap. You should pick from whichever time zone is closest to where you live. So if you're closest to CET, and you want to choose option G , you shouldn't also pick option I (even though they're the same time).

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 12.30.37 PM.png

Ivan Reese 2024-07-25 18:33:05

If you need help converting, you can use

Ivan Reese 2024-07-25 18:33:51

My answers:

  • IJKL
Maikel van de Lisdonk 2024-07-25 19:20:34
  • EFGH
  • (MT)WTSS
Kartik Agaram 2024-07-25 21:31:32
  • AGIK
J. Ryan Stinnett 2024-07-25 23:20:17
  • FDG
Tom Lieber 2024-07-26 01:37:43
  1. JK. 2. MTWThF.
Konrad Hinsen 2024-07-26 07:11:38
  • MTWThF

Since this is a general question for any season, I hope everyone takes into account daylight saving times and possibly related stupidities!

Paul Tarvydas 2024-07-26 11:52:12
Iacob Nasca 2024-07-26 13:56:38
  • FG
Ezhik 2024-07-26 14:01:34
  • CDF