Alan Kay talk ‘Is it really "Complex"? Or did we just make it "Complicated”?’. The talk was given some 9 years ago, but, this is the first time that I’ve seen it:
My highlights:
51:21 suppressing the present to see different ways to address the future
51:35 “semaphore” is a “bad idea”, pseudo-time is superior, but never got used over last 30 years
54:10 Nile Graphics Language by Dan Amelang is a dataflow language and is very small. Expresses how to define shapes using pixels in only 45 lines of code.
54:51 - Bret Victor at VPRI
57:59 all compositing rules, including alpha-blending, is expressed in 95 LOC
59:16 whole graphics system, equivalent to what is needed on a PC, is expressed in 435 LOC
1:01:00 - Code has to be transformed into CPU-speak
1:01:38 - we need a “language transforming language” [[pt] At present, I use the term “t2t” (text to text)]
1:01:58 - OMeta2 [[pt] OhmJS is an ancestor of OMeta2]
1:02:58 Using OMeta to make Nile, parser 130 LOC, LLL 730 LOC
1:06:00 TCP/IP expressed in 160 LOC
1:20:24 POLs == Problem Oriented Languages [[pt] I use the term SCN - Solution Centric Notation]
1:37:37 hardware is just software that is crystallized early [[pt] I say it another way: software is just soft hardware]