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Christophe de Dinechin 2024-05-07 09:25:22

The most powerful scientific calculator in the world just got one tiny step closer towards 1.0.

Rafał Pastuszak 2024-05-07 10:42:51

Hej! I made a drawing app where every pixel has a lifespan and eventually dies, check it out here:

(also it has hackable, programmable brushes and a trippy geocities-eque gradients)

Motivated by a dead fig tree in my garden, not associated with the exquisite dead fish above, and partially inspired by this poem by my brother’s 3yo daughter:

Little ducklings walked

then they fell

and they died.

(something tells me she’ll turn out to be a goth like her uncle)

đź“ť Fig

Nothing lasts forever, so let's draw just for the fun of it!

IonuČ› G. Stan 2024-05-07 10:54:55

I'm not much of an artist myself to fully enjoy it as a tool, but I quite like the visual design and some of the ideas there, like the dynamic programmable brushes.

Alex McLean 2024-05-07 11:59:34

Lovely! I got an error when I clicked on code and then f()


Alex McLean 2024-05-07 11:59:57


Rafał Pastuszak 2024-05-07 14:08:46

oh, thanks! I’ll fix that tomorrow!

Rafał Pastuszak 2024-05-07 14:09:03

Just posted a quick note on the brushes used in Fig:

đź“ť Fig Tree Brushes - Untested

Rosie's Poem One of the unexpected discoveries from playing with Fig was how much fun I had designing, messing with (and breaking!) brushes. I thought I'd share how they work, how they don't work and…

Lu Wilson 2024-05-07 22:20:02

I love this. love the emphasis on creating the thing, not the created thing

Cole Lawrence 2024-05-10 21:37:46

I’m making an AI pipeline REPL directly into “Forethink,” and I just put in live previewing, so you can observe individual executions 🙂

I think this will slowly evolve depending on the features we need to build. It’s nice to build purposefully and not need to worry about being too generalizable or pretty.