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Kartik Agaram 2024-04-13 18:18:35

I've been playing with a new platform that I hope will be quite convivial. Hosted 😬 but no Javascript and seems easy to build and self-host. Created by a single person, so decent chance of staying simple over time. It seems to be a fork of emscripten that's been made habitable. In particular, it includes raylib and some Lua bindings to it, so I'm starting to feel at home.

I ported one of my early LÖVE apps to it, for geometric constructions. There's an app store and I've published my app there, so you should be able to run it for yourself and inspect the source code. (All apps on the app store are available right in the file system, under /usr/store !)

Disclaimers. It's slow, like dialing up over a phone line. Still lots of bugs. I had to reboot the VM several times while recording this video. Commands often hang or crash, then completely stop working until I reload. It's never lost my data, though. Data is stored in local storage on the browser until you publish something to the app store.

Kartik Agaram 2024-04-14 15:44:57

Oh it turns out there's a way to link directly to my app:

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