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Christopher Shank 2024-02-13 05:01:10

"Programming-in-the-large versus programming-in-the-small" by DeRemer and Kron (1975)

πŸ•°οΈ 2023-11-20 18:56:29


Duncan Cragg 2024-02-14 08:48:06

I'm thinking this is too good a thread to drop or have limited visibility, so I'm re-energising it!

I've been digging into Raskin's work this morning; here are some links I found:

πŸ“ Down With GUIs!

Bluntly: Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) are not human-compatible. As long as we hang on to interfaces as we now know them, computers will remain inherently frustrating, upsetting, and stressful. GUIs have become so pervasive (or is it perversive?) that many computer users can't even think about anything else as a human-computer interface. Mobile Office magazine […]

Stephen De Gabrielle 2024-02-16 15:13:18
Stephen De Gabrielle 2024-02-16 15:27:56

From the preface: ~This book asks why it has been so difficult for end users to command programming power, and explores the critical problems of the end-user application development must be solved to afford end users greater computational power.~

Stephen De Gabrielle 2024-02-16 15:43:44

~The chief problems to be solved in providing more end user application development environments are~ ~**~ ~_*(1) To provide highly specialised end user programming environments that leverage users’ existing task related interests and skills, and

(2) […] re-organise work practices to better support end users.*_~

~How are we to do these things? That is the subject of this book, […]~

Stephen De Gabrielle 2024-02-16 15:44:03

The preface has me excited 😁

brett g porter 2024-02-16 15:47:46

Grabbed my copy from the shelf, and will do my best to at least follow along here... Is this book really 30 years old?

J. Ryan Stinnett 2024-02-17 16:14:37

If anyone would like a digital copy of this book (hard to find), feel free to DM me. πŸ™‚

brett g porter 2024-02-18 15:24:38

The thing that I find most jarring in this chapter is the early 90s framing where computing devices are not yet ubiquitous, and still kind of an alien intrusion in many users' lives (there's a line about 'computers gathering dust' from disuse as people continue to use old manual processes). The thing that I find most relatable is a mention of users preferring to tediously execute repetitive steps to accomplish a goal instead of figuring out how to use the programming/automation tools they have access to.