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Kartik Agaram 2024-01-19 17:15:06

Integrating a little game with a sprite editor and a maze editor, all on a touch-screen.

Jimmy Miller 2024-01-19 18:44:27

When working on my language I've been frustrated by the lack of symbols and extra information for my JIT compiled code. There is a way to get this kind of information, but it involves building an elf binary in memory. Way too much overhead for this point in my development.

So I started building my own debugger frontend to lldb. Not much to show right now. But the idea is to specifically tailor it to my language. So you'll get a compiler explorer like experience, but also be able to view the stack and heap and all of that live. See the language level values stored in there.

The fun part to for me was how to convey the information I need to the debugger. The answer came from the standard JIT interface. How do you tell your debugger things? You make a function that the debugger has a breakpoint in. The function does nothing in the body. You just pass some args that tells the debugger where in memory to get the information it needs. Super clever. So now I'm working on passing all my compiler metadata to the debugger frontend so it can know how to render things intelligently.

Maikel van de Lisdonk 2024-01-21 17:08:18

This week I spend a lot of time adding basic keyboaed support in the visual programming system that I am developing. For productivity I think that just using a mouse for creating a visual flow is not enough. One of the reasons why we are so productive when using a text editor for programming is the usage of the keyboard I think. Off course it's not the only reason but I do think it's of major influence.

So being able to use the keyboard for visual programming seems like a very good idea. In this video I show exactly that.

Currently after every update to the flow, the tabindex is set on all the nodes and input elements. In normal webapps this is not a good idea, but here it is the only way to give the browser the proper and logical tab order. When tabbing through the flow, the camera is focused on the selected node overriding default browser scroll-behavior when a focused element is out of the current view. Using ctrl+a you can add a new node and also select the thumbs for the connection.

Furthermore I've added some other features like being able to run a flow using the keyboard (ctrl + Enter) and opening the properties popup. A missing feature is being able to add a new node before the currently selected node.

Lots of small tweaks were needed to make this work, but I am glad I spend the time because this also increases the accessibility.

Oleksandr Kryvonos 2024-01-21 18:46:36

I created a simple Linked-Data / RDF console app (I call it MondAI),

it allows creation of triples Entity->Connection->Another-Entity

and allows query data