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Salmen Hichri 2024-01-12 10:30:37

I wrote an article discussing The Future of User Interfaces .. and the role of Conversational AI :

I'm curious to know what the community thinks! πŸ§ πŸ’‘

  • Do you foresee a world where chatbots and voice are the dominant user interfaces?
  • Or will the mouse/screen always maintain a leading role in human/machine interactions?

πŸ“ The Future is Conversational ― Crafting Next-Gen User Experiences With AI

Conversational AI is transforming software design. Learn how AI co-pilots, chatbots, voice assistants, and spatial interfaces are changing UX and development from NLUX founder Salmen Hichri. Get hands-on advice for auditing and integrating intuitive conversational interfaces today.

Eli Mellen 2024-01-12 12:31:22

Thanks for sharing this, it was a really interesting read.

To your questions, I’d love your insights from thinking in the space.

My take is that it’ll never be either one or the other, but probably a big mix of both β€” as is I and I’d wager many folks talk a lot at work, just not to computers. It is during conversations with other people. Generally, that talking leads to mouse and keyboard stuff.

To me, conversational interfaces are less about a novel input method and more about shifting a mode of collaboration β€” when you can talk with a computer it becomes less of a tool to use to complete some work, and more of a collaborator in that task.

Don Abrams 2024-01-12 15:37:11

conversational UX is inherently 1D so generally less efficient if the search space is small and the classification scheme relatively obvious to the audience.

Additionally, when done via voice/response, it's inherently public, which is usually a detriment rather than a feature.

Lastly, people generally expect a conversational reply in a shorter time than other UI feedback, so it feels slower even if it isn't.

Don Abrams 2024-01-12 15:41:55

that being said, I think the current generation is very good at rewording to optimize for both a goal tone and easily measurable outcome like response tone or action taken (though the outcome part can be a monkey's paw situation so requires supervision)

Greg Bylenok 2024-01-12 17:59:15

One thought on the "integrated AI companion": Coding assistants may have been low hanging fruit, because it's relatively easy to extract context to provide to the AI system. For other systems, I suspect event-driven architectures may become more popular: they may allow for building that context on-the-fly to provide to the AI.

Don Abrams 2024-01-12 18:06:26

if you can mine github for it, it's in a coding assistant today; otherwise the amount of labelled training data you need is pretty massive (let alone copy/paste and stackoverflow bias). Having a ton of event data helps, but unless there's some clever way to autolabel, 🀷

Salmen Hichri 2024-01-13 13:22:35

I agree that conversational interfaces are not relevant for everything (the 1D aspect @Don Abrams ) .. Text or voice won't replace the efficiency of visual data formats like charts or tables ...

Salmen Hichri 2024-01-13 13:25:23

They can replace complex menus though .. I find it easier to type a command in natural language through an AI assistant to perform a task, rather than trying to figure out how to do it myself via a complex UI ... but when I'm using a familiar tool with shortcuts and customised UI, I can simply use keyboard shortcuts ..