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Jason Morris 2023-10-11 21:35:39

Did a technical assignment for an interview this week, and made extensive use of ChatGPT4 to great success. It's to the point now that if I get an error message I don't understand, or get to a step where I'm unclear what to do next, I'll try ChatGPT4 before I will try Google, because with ChatGPT4 it already has the context for the problem, and gives me an answer specific to my context. Very different programming experience.

Grey Vugrin 2023-10-12 05:59:23

That's awesome, it's definitely a different experience! I've also been liking for conversational stuff (free, & you can give it files to analyze and ask questions about).

If you use VS Code, GitHub Copilot is awesome for in-file suggestions. It's so intertwined with my workflow now. Couldn't live without it

Maikel van de Lisdonk 2023-10-12 07:05:34

I use github co-pilot myself including the chat functionality. The chat functionality I use mainly to ask questions about my own code or to help me to setup boilerplate jest tests for selected code. Saved me a lot of time already

Josh Cho 2023-10-15 03:13:22

i feel like python is very limiting for prompt engg/agents. anyone else feel this way? maybe we need more expressive languages/dsls/languages built with editor in mind (like smalltalk).

Tom Lieber 2023-10-15 03:39:05

Like how even Python experts prefer shell languages when operating their computer interactively, line-by-line?