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Mariano Guerra 2023-08-10 09:23:06

What do you think about this?

Despite all the effort that has gone into it, it doesn’t look like programming language design has any real compounding power. There are better and worse languages, but other market and technical forces can swamp language choices.

🐦 John Carmack on Twitter: Despite all the effort that has gone into it, it doesn’t look like programming language design has any real compounding power. There are better and worse languages, but other market and technical forces can swamp language choices.

Konrad Hinsen 2023-08-10 10:44:41

That's true, but not only for languages. Network effects in particular are often dominant for the adoption of technology.

This reminds me of a discussion on Mastodon about Git being awful (from a UI perspective) but difficult to improve on because of network effects:

πŸ“ Greg Wilson (

+100 to this: Git is the most user-hostile piece of software I've ever tried to teach (and I've taught people Emacs). It's a significant barrier to entry for many people who really want to learn to program, and those who claim otherwise are textbook examples of survivor bias.

Don Abrams 2023-08-10 12:14:09

Meh, if you have a job to do and 90%+ of the work has been done "good enough" in some language you'll probably use it. Ecosystem and developer availability trump most things.

Christopher Galtenberg 2023-08-10 15:08:04

git was awesome from day one, and is why it won

hard <> hostile, FP is hard too and people don't say it hates devs

on langs, I like this reply

🐦 Mohamed on Twitter: @ID_AA_Carmack Javascript has proven that the best language doesn’t win … the winning language becomes better.

Walker Griggs 2023-08-10 20:09:32

Network effects in particular are often dominant for the adoption of technology.

My language choice these days is almost 100% dictated by the community contributed library ecosystem.

That said, Carmack was talking specifically about languages themselves, so I think I agree with him

Andrew F 2023-08-10 20:25:59

What precisely is meant by "compounding power"? Exponential as a function of what?

Anyway, it's important to remember the staggering levels of programming power that have become our baseline expectation. We take higher order functions for granted, forgetting that people used to program in assembly, to say nothing of plugboards. So, "compounding"? I don't know. And it's not impossible that we've picked all the order-of-magnitude fruits. But to say that there are no order of magnitude gains in language tech at all ignores history.

Irvin Hwang 2023-08-11 13:19:23

But to say that there are no order of magnitude gains in language tech at all ignores history.

I hadn't thought about it on a long time scale, but that's a good point. It also made me think even if "better" languages are developed and not widely used, they can still have a big impact since they can act as proof of concept and good ideas from them can make their way into more popular languages.

Don Abrams 2023-08-11 13:47:02

exactly, and every change to a better language requires more effort to be useful

Kartik Agaram 2023-08-13 16:59:59

Last night I spent some time documenting an almost-trivial state machine that I keep getting wrong:

State machines are hard !

  • We usually have one in our head when we program.
  • The abstract state in my head is usually made up of multiple concrete variables in the program.
  • Mutations happen to variables, but it's not obvious at each how the abstract state is changing.
  • The state machine in my head often evolves, which makes documentation challenging to keep up to date. Which is why I think nobody builds documents like these.

Tell me how immutability or State Charts will solve all my problems πŸ™‚

Ivan Reese 2023-08-13 17:22:40

A visual programming system ... with state charts ... and good control over execution ... will solve all your problems. πŸͺ„ 🎩 πŸ‡

Christopher Galtenberg 2023-08-13 18:01:41

What about "visual programming system only of state charts" – (too hard to learn or start something new with?)

Maikel van de Lisdonk 2023-08-13 18:07:37

Something like xstate? Although it is javascript focused which might not suite everyone. In my own project I want to combine statecharts with more regular nodes and wires, hope to demo something "soonish" 😊

Kartik Agaram 2023-08-13 18:21:23

Maikel van de Lisdonk yeah for this thread I'm willing to try any tools or languages. I'm just curious to see examples of how others might organize the state machine in my doc to be easier to maintain.

Mariano Guerra 2023-08-13 18:33:39

it may be overkill but TLA+/PlusCal? πŸ˜„

Kartik Agaram 2023-08-13 18:35:22

I'd love to see what the TLA+ solution for this looks like. It wouldn't be directly executable, right? But it's one step more rigorous than the document, is that the right way to think about it?

Mariano Guerra 2023-08-13 18:35:54

executing it means proving it's a well formed specification

Mariano Guerra 2023-08-13 18:36:19

There's a big list of specifications here:

Mariano Guerra 2023-08-13 18:37:23

Lamport's TLA page has a video course that I found really useful

Kartik Agaram 2023-08-13 18:45:08

For me, executing it means when I click on the button I get a plot. And it doesn't hog disk reads too much, it's a good citizen of my computer.

If the state machine lives outside the program that executes, how can I get an automated alert when I add a state to the state machine but forget to change the code.

That's basically the problem statement. My sense is that formal methods aren't quite here yet. Which is fine, not a criticism. I just want to focus this thread on the best possible solution for a single example. We like programming by example here, right? For this example and these design goals, what is the best representation we can think of that's "hard scifi" (doesn't have to be working code yet, but also doesn't require solving hard unsolved research problems).

And I want to see the (pseudo)code πŸ˜› Around the same level of detail as the 5 10-line versions I wrote in the doc.

Ivan Reese 2023-08-13 18:47:38

I like programming by hand-waving at things that don't exist yet in the hope that someone else builds them.

Kartik Agaram 2023-08-13 18:48:30

Go away, Ivan πŸ˜› <obi wan>This is not the thread you are looking for.</obi wan>

Mariano Guerra 2023-08-13 18:56:02

One idea I would love to have time for is a parser for TLA+ that draws it some way and allows to step through the execution of different "traces"

Mariano Guerra 2023-08-13 18:56:15

same for quickcheck style property based testing specifications

Jason Morris 2023-08-13 20:21:00

I have yet to see a trace visualizer for a logical language that was remotely legible, or a way of visualizing the execution of logical code using its source. I'm desperate to use them if they exist, so let me know. The closest I have seen is a system that maintains a set of successful search routes, then turns each into a tree-structured justification where each node of the tree and it's immediate children correspond to a rule clause. There might be things you could do to link those trees to the source code more explicitly in an interface. I've done something similar in Blawx where elements of the tree are linked to source legal text. But that's not execution tracing, it's answer justification.

Jason Morris 2023-08-13 20:32:32

I have been obsessed with making logical code easier to use for a few years, now, and I don't even know what I would WANT out of a trace visualizer. The only things I can imagine would work, like a zoomable, color coded, annotated search tree, seem like they would be of limited utility unless what you wanted to know was why your code ran so slowly. And you pretty much don't care about that when you are writing things like TLA+ specs.

Jason Morris 2023-08-13 20:34:21

For the record, I haven't actually used TLA+, but I have taken a lot of inspiration from Hillel Wayne's promotion of it, and of formal methods more generally.