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Pawel Ceranka 2023-06-23 15:31:18

A super simple demo, of a super simple feature.

(more of an experiment really)

The assumptions is that an infinite canvas is great for creative / generative tasks .

But then for processing a linear workflow, might be better / more natural / impose less cognitive burden .

That is what we’re trying to explore with ‘Zen Mode’ 😉

Joshua Horowitz 2023-06-23 18:48:23

I like the idea of hybridizing an open-ended canvas with a focused view mode, but it isn’t clear from this video how your system does that. The drag-out interaction looks indistinguishable from clicking on hyperlink. Do the dragged-out links appear on the canvas when you switch out of focused mode? Etc.

Pawel Ceranka 2023-06-23 21:59:09

It’s a bit of an experiment, so the way it set up now is very simple and relies on behaviour that we already had in the app.

The full screen / zen mode thing is an overlay, and the block rendered on that overlay is a ‘real’ block, all the normal interactions are there, e.g. the drag and drop.

This means that when you drag and drop e.g. a link, a new block is created and focus is switched to it, thus that becomes the content of the overlay—so it is almost like an aperture for looking at /focusing on blocks one at a time 😉

(as a consequence, yes—all of the block you created while in this ‘mode’ are now on the canvas—as you have not really left the canvas, so to speak).

Hope I didn’t confuse matters too much 😜

Joshua Horowitz 2023-06-25 17:08:35

Ok! I think it would be helpful & interesting if the video showed those aspects. 🙂