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Jason Morris 2023-06-01 07:50:01

Ugh. I have discovered that a library exists for building a UI I have wanted for ~6 years, and I have fallen into a prototyping rabbit hole, fighting a language and a framework I'm unfamiliar with, plus good code with bad documentation. I've never seen anyone spill this many pixels on documentation and fail to mention how it is installed, fail to give a step-by-step hello world, and create dozens of examples none of which can actually be followed successfully without spending hours researching and deducing what it would have taken mere minutes to type out. It's a master class in the curse of expertise.

Maikel van de Lisdonk 2023-06-01 09:25:22

Is it an open source library? Which one?

William Taysom 2023-06-01 12:45:35

So this library has all of the advanced documentation — but not of the basics?

Jason Morris 2023-06-01 17:59:14

ProseMirror. It has all the reference documentation. No walkthroughs, no how-tos, and the examples are only half specified, so a beginner can't reproduce them. If you are an experienced react dev, I'm sure it's fine. But if ProseMirror is your first reason for wanting to write react code, you are in for a world of hurt. GPT4 saved the day, though.

Maikel van de Lisdonk 2023-06-04 11:57:46

Since the beginning of this year I've started working on a new visual programming system. The project which I was working on before had too much dependencies and limited me too much. This is the first progress that I can share : . It's just a little demo showing a very small flow where you can see moving data points over the wires and changing the speed, there's no timeline yet (yes, I was inspired by Hest.. although Ivan Reese 's gifs still look way better offcourse 😊). I am building this without runtime dependencies (react or other framework is not used, pure vanilla javascript with my custom jsx transformer).

Ivan Reese 2023-06-04 14:29:05

Off to a great start! I'm excited to see how this evolves.